What we want is a Jesus we can fit into our sinful lifestyles. We want to create a god that accepts us as we are but never confronts the sin in our lives. We desire “yes men”—people that will root us on but never tell us the truth in love. Have we forgotten that Micaiah was the ONLY one out of 400 prophets that prophesied accurately what God was saying about King Ahab and King Jehoshaphat? Ahab didn’t like him because “he always prophesied against him”, or in other words, Micaiah prophesied only what the Lord told him to say. He refused to go with the majority to make Ahab feel good... Ahab didn’t like that. (2 Chronicles 18)
Dear ones, we must repent. We need to reevaluate our circles to see who is properly hearing from the Lord about our lives. If your “friend” never corrects you in love but instead endorses your sinful lifestyle, please reconsider your friendship with that person. If you’re not careful, you will end up like Ahab. He died a pretty shameful death. May God have mercy on us! Let us see Jesus as He rightly is. He is holy and He has a standard that we should live by. Do not be deceived.
Let us see Jesus as He rightly is. He is holy and He has a standard that we should live by.
Cynthia U.