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A place where I share conversations I have with Jesus.
Fruit matters.
This matter has been on my heart for over a week now and I feel like now is the time to share. Fruit is an indicator that we are either walking with You, or not. I often hear people say things like, “God knows my heart”, yet they’re living in habitual sin.
I Don't See It
Sometimes the work You’re doing is not tangible in the sense that, we cannot see it. Sometimes we’re asking for the new car, but You give us a new perspective instead. Sometimes we’re asking for money but then You give us peace of mind instead.
Delight 2.0
It’s so funny because before I started writing this post, I thought to myself, “I already have a post titled Delight”. Hence why this is titled Delight 2.0 haha. I want my delight to be in You, Lord. I feel like I struggle with delighting in You on a consistent basis. It feels bad to…